Abstract Submission is closed.
We are only accepting revisions for already submitted abstracts.

Please use the below Word template and convert it to PDF before you submit it.
Name the abstract file as REVISED_yourlastname_yourfirstname.pdf (REVISED_Doe_John.pdf)

Download Abstract Template (.docx)

1. What is your full name?

2. Write down your email address.

3. What institution are you affiliated with?

4. Are you a student? Yes


5. Do you intend to attend the conference in person or virtually?

In person


Not decided yet

6. What is your preferred presentation format?


Oral or Poster (assigned by the committee)

7. Write down your abstract title.

8. Choose your topic (up to three).

Mesoscale Convective Systems

Tropical Cyclones

Monsoon and Meiyu / Baiu / Changma front

Orographic Precipitation

Cloud and Precipitation Microphysics

Field Campaign Observations

Remote Sensing and Quantitative Precipitation Estimation of Heavy Rainfall

High Impact Weather Prediction, Data Assimilation, and Machine Learning

9. Upload your abstract file here (PDF size < 5 MB; Name as "REVISED_Doe_John.pdf").